[Olive Oil] Sunlight in a Bottle [Food] Despite Food Movement, A Farmer’s Reality… [Food Globalization] Why Are We Importing Our Own Fish? [Food] Veggie & Fruit Prescription [Wine] Wine Investment Q&A with Cult Wines Director Tom Gearing [Wine] Wine Tastings in New York Will Be Tax Free


BACK TO FARM TO CAMPFIRE MAIN PAGE Camping is at its best when time is reserved for eating, sleeping, and just plain relaxing after a day exploring the wild worlds around us. So get out there and root around, or join the field games on the rolling grass. As the sun goes down there will be an open […]




BACK TO FARM TO CAMPFIRE MAIN PAGE      TO BEACON BY TRAIN: Take Metro-North Railroad trains (Grand Central – Poughkeepsie Line). Trains run hourly in either direction. For train information, visit For train travel from north of Poughkeepsie, take an Amtrak train to Poughkeepsie and transfer to a Metro-North train. From Beacon station, you could either walk (for 20 minutes), […]


BACK TO FARM TO CAMPFIRE MAIN PAGE _____  INDIVIDUAL & GROUP PACKAGES AVAILABLE  _____   ALL TICKETS AVAILABLE AT BROWN PAPER TICKETS CAMP ACTIVITIES: Free! Field games, hiking, producers’ presentation, outdoor film, campfire 2-DAY RUNNING WILD PASS / INDIVIDUAL: $125 (tickets here) Includes all camp activities + programming: harvest dinner, harvest breakfast, performances, and overnight camping. Bring your own camping […]


BACK TO FARM TO CAMPFIRE MAIN PAGE • all activities are FREE except for meals, music & overnight camping • ALL TICKETS AVAILABLE AT BROWN PAPER TICKETS CAMP ACTIVITIES: FREE ! ! Field games, hiking, producers’ presentation, outdoor film, campfire HARVEST DINNER / ADULT: $75 (tickets here) HARVEST DINNER / UNDER 18: $30 (tickets here) HARVEST DINNER / UNDER 6: Free (need to be accompanied by […]


A unique Farm to Campfire weekend, celebrating the produce and producers of the Hudson Valley – available activities include hiking, field games, arts & crafts, presentations, harvest dinner, puppet show, live music, film screening, camping, breakfast and a producers market. In Beacon, New York.


Beacon was named to commemorate the historic beacon fires that blazed forth from the summit of the Fishkill Mountains to alert the Continental Army about British troop movements. Later, the old Mount Beacon Incline Railway connected the town and the summit of Mount Beacon for recreational purposes. It was one of the steepest incline railways […]


Yeast has been instrumental to winemaking, baking and brewing since ancient times. If terroir for wine mainly comes from soil, for European old brews, it’s wild yeast in the air.

Not just greetings: “Have you eaten yet?”

Chinese culture is also eating culture. You might already know that Chinese greet each other by asking: “Have you eaten yet?” “What have you had?” But you probably don’t know that these are potentially larger questions – depends on how you answer them: “I’ve been eating too much.” means you’ve been minding other people’s business; “I’m […]


來美國多年,卻從未經歷過農牧博覽會。9月2日從紐約飛抵明尼蘇達,次晨6點起床,就為了趕上全美第二大的州際農牧博覽會。 清晨,我們在略帶涼意的陽光下踱入空蕩的廣場,沿街攤販、遊樂場尚未開市,工作人員捧著咖啡杯,睡眼惺忪。踩著牛仔的懶散步伐,我們走進古碩的馬場。這些馬都小有來頭-牠們若非來此參加競技,則為展示體型。我帶著神祕敬意望進他們聰慧的眼、和優雅而充滿力量的體態。輕拍牠們的臉頰、餵他們乾草。 這是博覽會的最後一天,所有畜牧人家都趕著自己的牲畜回家。牛場、羊圈和豬圈內充滿騷動。幾隻乳牛和豬兩天前才生了寶寶 — 我眼前目睹的,不是動物園的走馬看花,而是小型的牧場生態。 博覽會少不了小吃,從肉桂卷、烤豬排、炸雞、燒魚、玉米熱狗、甜甜圈,所有美國中部的道地口味都可用一支竹簽帶著吃,又香、又油、又夠味。 明尼蘇達的年度農牧博覽會從1859年開辦以來已有百年歷史,除了農牧業產銷品,還有藝術品、手工藝、食品、機械、以及近年加入的環保工程,分展於各個主題館或露天區。每年10天展期平均吸引近兩百萬人,他們來此學到自蓋屋的技巧和新的工具,家庭主婦找到自製手工被的布料,餐飲業者品嚐新的農牧食品,孩童們則在遊樂場驚笑一整天。 看著藝術家在冷凍玻璃屋裡用奶油塊雕出塑像,面前模特兒是明尼蘇達今年選出的牛奶公主(明尼蘇達有著傲人的奶製品工業),整個博覽會雖親近傳統和實用主義,卻充滿歡欣和幽默的態度。

Veal Cutlets w/ Lemon

Nonna Paola lives in Milano. She’s retired and occasionally cooks for fun for weddings. We met her in Brooklyn through her son, who’s a freelancer journalist for Italian media. He and his wife just had their first baby, so we got to thinking that meant all Paola’s cooking tricks were now officially italian grandmother cooking tricks. That’s when […]

Basil Tomato Sauce

• 5 anchovies • 1 cube of beef bouillon • 1 can of diced tomato • 2-3 cloves of garlics • some capers • some pitted olives • basils halve the garlic and remove its heart (green part), make it less heavy on stomach  LOTS of extra virgin oil in pan, add anchovies and garlic add diced tomato when the garlic is slightly golden, turn […]


Burgundy: Hospices de Beaune

A Chinese New Year in America

Mixed Palate Dinner Club recently hosted its first Chinese New Year celebration with Reggie Soang (wd-50), Lorenzo Gatteschi (podere ciona estate) and a number of friends. Here are some highlights as well as a “Laowai’s Guide” to Chinese New Year traditions. Stay tuned for recipes from Reggie. (Join our mailing list) YEAR OF THE SNAKE […]